My Stranger Things Reaction: Season 2, Episode VII

There’s a lot of stuff that I haven’t done yet that I’d like to try out. Slowly but surely I’m planning to roll out a lot content that isn’t just professional wrestling simulations but across the board media as well. I’m not one for doing reactions but perhaps a text-based one would be fun. Here goes: My Stranger Things Season 2 Episode 7 (Because this idea came late in the game to me) reaction transcribed from speech to text:

Ah, the bank robber girl from episode 1 gets tied in! I thought she had telekinetic powers too but it turns out that she just made that cop see a false vision. X-Men shit right there.

Ellie really should look into keeping tissues in her nose. Girl eats, sleeps and breathes nosebleeds.

JANE SAAAAID…..peace out

Here comes the intro

The theme is coming through a 5.1 surround sound system and it’s been stuck in my head all week so you know I’m jamming out right now.

Stranger Things soundtrack continues to impress but needs more INXS.

Waiting for Ellie to do a Flashdance montage

lol “mouthbreather”

Mohawk guy doing his best Enzo. “Well, Whadoowehaveovahhere?”

Ellie is basically Bart from Bart’s Nightmare in Treehouse of Horror II.

Props to the ST team for not dragging out Ellie and her sister’s reunion.

I’d miseuse #8’s powers aaaall day long. Just wooshing around an imaginary lightsaber.

There’s Ellie, finding herself in another possible home environment mouthing those words. ‘Home”

These thugs are STRAIGHT out of an 80s movie or video game. Mohawk guy is the level 1 boss.

The words “Home” and “Soon” continue to repeat

Blue bonnet chick with the sarcasm

Another Empire Strikes Back reference as bank robber Yoda chick tries to get Ellie to move the train. Ellie breaks down and says that she can’t. Only this Yoda is definitely not of the good side.

Ellie showing you how a young and impressionable child can easily latch on to something that makes sense to her.

LOL, Mohawk guy with the Supermarket Swap reference.

Ellie with that Eggo addiction

Ellie displaying how people having Jedi powers on Earth qould be complete chaos

Not enough Steve and Dustin in this episode

The Stranger Things Suicide Squad

+1 for the Punky Brewster nostalgia

Padme! Eleven has turned to the dark side


Fat man doing his best Sidious. “Dont hurt me. Pleeeeease”

Ellie is like “HE MUST LIVE!”

#8 with her best Palpatine “DO IT”


Wait. Is this just a trick from #8?

I’d like to see #8 try her vision tricks on Jabba the Hutt. “Your Jedi tricks will not work on me, girl”

Mike with his best Princess Leia impression. “LUKEDONTITSATRAP!”

Neat trick from #8

She hit the cop. Now youre in trouble

Ellie leaving #8 like Luke left Yoda. “It’s my friends! I gotta help them!”

Probably my least favorite episode of the season and probably because these thug characters aren’t nearly as well developed as our main cast. Please refrain from a prequel series starring #8 and her thugs. That would reek of Scrubs season 9. On to the next one!



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