My Stranger Things Season 2; Episode VIII Reaction

It’s funny. This show was not even in my consciousness 48 hours ago since I tend to avoid things that are overly hypebeasted but this has been a fun ride and I’m saddened that I’ve reached the final episode so soon. Such is the fate of a binger. Welp, without further APU, here is my Stranger Things Season 2 Episode 8 reaction transcribed from speech to text:
MadAboutYou guy like “Dont worry. Nothing can get through our shield”
Lickers just FEASTED on those scientists
Sam, we need that ring!
LOL, earing guy with the Four Horsemen. I’m a Mechanix guy myself.
Cologning your crotch. Not a good look, earing guy. A fellatious person would not want to be tasting Ralph lauren #3 on your junk.
Ah so that’s where he gets his doucheness from
Karma for earing guy. Shouldn’t have been racist.
Bahahaha. Dustin’s a terrible liar.
STEVE’S BACK! Let’s do this
Of course the breaker’s in the basement. Typical video game
scenario. I bet they’re gonna send someone alone.
OH SHIT. I WAS RIGHT. Theyre sending Bob!
Now THERE’s a reunion!
Jon and Whatsherface: “STEVE?!”
Sending Bob alone to the basement to reboot the system as he communicates with the team. TOTAL JURASSIC PARK VIBES
What would you rather deal with? A pack of Velociraptors or a pack of Demigorgons?
Dustin is a national treasure
Uh oh. It’s the “I’ll meet you there” quote. No one in movies that says this quote ever completes the journey. I made this prediction for The Force Awakens right before Han split up with Chewie to meet Kylo on the no-handrails catwalk. Things aren’t looking good for Bob!
I feel as though we might get a “Clever Girl” quote soon
Look at the brain on you, Bob!
Oh fuck. Bob left the gun.
Either Bob or MadAboutYou guy is going to bite it soon
Let the Aliens vibes begin
Fakeout coming. I just know it. Stay in there, Bob!
That door won’t hold. Run, guys!
Fucking shoot it off him!.
OH SHIT, the pack is back!
Daaaaamn. Poor Bob. I thought they did Barb wrong but they did Bob dirty!
I knew it though! Every time someone in TV or movies says “We’ll meet back here” the shit never happens. Ever since Han in TFA I’ve never been the same every time I hear that quote. If Luke says it in The Last Jedi then I’m jumping out of that chair in a rage.
Poor Wynona. She stay cursed!
lol, demodogs. Dustin with the comic relief.
I loooooooove these D&D references
Steve, you’re too good for her.
Awkwardness, lol
Dustin bowing out to Lucas like a gentleman
Hey, Will. Wakey, wakey. Eggs and bleachey
The team standing over Will like “Will, This is an intervention.
You’ve been a little asshole lately”
Will throwing a tantrum like a little kid being told no.
Will listening to Wynona’s speech like “……..I dont Care”
lol, this really sounds like an intervention!
“Will, you’re just not yourself when you’re using”
Damn, Will? You know Morse code? What a smart ass kid!
OH Shit, they can hone in on them now!
RUN, you fuckers!
Where the eff are you, Ellie? We need you up in here!
I’m ready for some bat-swinging Steve!
LOL, Lucas with the slingshot!
Wait, what?! Is it dead?
Playing possum?
Do they get powers now?
Yo, she just fucked up them gorgons like “SITDAFUQDOWN”
Tremendous episode. We will never forget your sacrifice, Bob!
I’m saddened that I’ve reached the end of this journey. I’ve stayed away from Stranger Things because I tend to somewhat avoid overly hypebeasted things but this was a fun ride. My only request for season 3 is for them to just leave.Will.Alone. My boy, Big Willy Style the Wise has been through enough.

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