WWE RAW IS WAR (April.Week 2)



April, Week 2, Year 1

Santa Clara, CA

Triple H ’01 comes out and is angry over being eliminated by Stone Cold Steve Austin in the Battle Royal last week. Triple H insists that he is better than Steve Austin will ever be and challenges “The Rattlesnake” to a match tonight to prove it. Triple receives the entrance of Kurt Angle instead who says that if anyone is going to get their hands on Stone Cold Steve Austin it’s him. Kurt says that Austin was the one who eliminated him and made him look like a fool in front of the whole word. Triple contests that Angle has always looked like a fool and that it is nothing new. The two start to get in each other’s face before Stone Cold Steve Austin finally comes out. He says that if both of them want a fight then ol’ Stone Cold isn’t one to deny them the opportunity to get their asses whipped one more time. Triple H and Angle like the idea of a two on one match up against Austin and are suddenly united against a common foe. It looks like tonight’s main event is going to feature “The Rattlesnake” Stone Cold Steve Austin against Triple H and Kurt Angle!

Match #1


The Undertaker ’00 vs Albert

Winner: The Undertaker ’00 (Last Ride Powerbomb)

Match #2

WWE European Championship


Eddie Guerrero vs British Bulldog (c)

Winner and NEW WWE European Champion: Eddie Guerrero (Three Amigos)(3 ½ Great)

Backstage, Stone Cold Steve Austin is approached by Shawn Michaels who informs him that Michaels has been assigned as Steve’s tag team partner tonight. Austin insists that he doesn’t need a damn partner and Michaels replies by reminding Austin that the man who eliminated Shawn last week was also Stone Cold before walking off. It would seem that Austin’s mass eliminations last week might come back to haunt him tonight.

The World Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals will take place at WWE Backlash in three weeks and will feature The Faces of Foley, Cactus Jack and Dude Love against The Ministry of Darkness.

Match #3


Dude Love vs Faarooq

Winner: Faarooq (Dominator)(4* Amazing)

Post: Dude Love stumbles up the ramp when he is attacked from behind by Faarooq and rammed into the steel steps.

Middle Card Promo

WWE Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho ’00 comes out and talks about how he plans on competing twice in one night at Backlash. He is going to defend the Intercontinental Championship and then he’s going to win the WWE Championship. It will be just like when he defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock on the every same night to become the very first WWE Undisputed Champion. Jericho then calls out someone who he’s been having run-ins with backstage and that is Mr. Perfect. Perfect comes out and they engage in an even and heated promo battle that Perfect ultimately wins. Is Jericho getting inside of his own head as we approach Backlash?

Ivory talks about her winning streak against Alundra Blayze last week on RAW IS WAR and SmackDown ’00. Tonight, she says that she’s going to keep the wins coming when she beats Trish Stratus and then the next stop will be that WWE Women’s Championship.

Lita meets up with Trish Stratus backstage and asks her if she needs any back up tonight against Ivory. Trish thanks her but insists that she can handle Ivory alone.

Match #4


Trish Stratus vs Ivory

Winner: Trish Stratus (Stratusfaction)

An ad is shown promoting the match with WWE Women’s Champion, Jacqueline against Lita for the WWE Women’s Championship in three weeks at WWE Backlash.

Backstage, Shawn Michaels ’97 and Triple H ’01 have a brief meeting before their tag team match against each other as they both warn that no matter what happens out there between them they’ll always be tight with each other.

Match #5

Tag Team

Stone Cold Steve Austin ’97 & Shawn Michaels ’97 vs Triple H ’01 & Kurt Angle ’01

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin ’97 & Shawn Michaels ’97

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