WWE SmackDown ’00 (April.Week 2)


WWE SmackDown ’00

April, Week 2, Year 1

Houston, TX

Match #1


John “Bradshaw” Layfield vs Cactus Jack ’98

Winner by pinfall: Cactus Jack ’98

Middle Card Promo

NEW WWE European Champion, Eddie Guerrero calls out someone he’s been having issues with backstage and that is Mr. Perfect. They trade barbs as we are sure to get a match between these two Legends in the future.

Match #2


Big Boss Man ’99 vs William Regal

Winner by pinfall: Big Boss Man ’99 (Boss Man Slam)

Match #3



The Undertaker ’98 vs Ric Flair

Winner by submission!: Ric Flair (Figure Four Leg Lock)

Match #4

Backstage Brawl

Stone Cold Steve Austin ’97 vs Triple H ’01

Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin ’97

Match #5

Tag Team

The Rock ’01 & The Undertaker ’00 vs Chris Jericho & Eddie Guerrero

Winners: Chris Jericho & Eddie Guerrero (Walls of Jericho from Jericho on Undertaker)

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